From Cues
- Do we want to increase sampling rate from 5Hz to 10Hz or 20Hz on the sonic anemometer?
- 10Hz is standard for flux measurements according to Joe MacFaddon of UCSB.
- Heated Sonic Anemometer?
- No action on this for 2012.
New Stuff
- Solid state mux?
- Green LiDAR?
- Doubtful and the current LiDAR should be fine for another season as is.
- Snow Pillow from Gherke.
- ?MASC needs? (Ned)
- radiometers
- Depth pingers
- Sutron?
- Anemometers?
- Soil moisture probe replacement.
- Lysimeter tipping bucket overhaul.
- Redo cable pulls w/ wire.
- Recoil DTS cable.
- Snow thermister deployment protocol.
- General painting and site cleanup.
IT Tech Stuff:
- Netgear switch (mtc)
- Inventory of items for calibration/overhaul.
- Replace Win VM? (mtc)
- Spare linksys wireless/firewall? (mtc)
- Network overhaul with VPN?
- Fix the frigging PST/PDT issue on the Mac. (mtc)
- (mtc) LiDAR error checking.
- (Dave+Adam/mtc) LiDAR auto processing.
- (Ned/mtc) Realtime MASC filter & display?