From Cues
Lysimiter ReDesign
- Single show style drain w/ raised filter/screen
- HardyBacker w/ metal lip/rim?
- Concrete w/ a mold?
- Consider running gopher wire/mesh below perimeter to prevent undermining.
Soil Thermisters
- Replace soil thermisters w/ calibrated units?
- Is there any way to build in a coupling on the wiring?
- If not, we should probably install conduit for these runs.
Ground level bunker access
- Install water meter style access ports at north and south walls?
- Install a 4" SLB or LB up on the south wall w/ a 90 facing down.
- SLB: Service "Service Ell" bodies (SLBs), shorter ells with inlets flush with the access cover, are frequently used where a circuit passes through an exterior wall from outside to inside... from [1]
UpSize conduit to 4" on east platform run
- Re-Do the East side, South run of conduit to 4"
- Possibly the East side North run at the same time.
- Use LB's to deal w/ turns rather than sweep 90's since the turn is too tight for a 4" sweep.
Silent MUX
- 3 Multiplexers:
- Soil Temp
- Snow Temp
- Soil Moisture
- 16+port quiet switch
- Wireless
- Spare?
- Pull down in July of 2013 and send in for calibration.
- real time image display
- figure out cabling issues.
- Ponder installing Mini on platform.