From Cues
2011 ToDo Items
- What's up w/ the fiber cable spool?
- Does the fiber cable on the ground need picking up/documenting?
Shopping List:
- Wire for cable pulls.
- Get dimensions. 140' plus ferrals and crimpers.
- Roll or two of E-Tape.
- Industrial Strength Twist Ties.
- Wire for cable pulls.
- X-Sawzall blades.
- X-Dykes.
- X-Fine tip sharpies.
- X-Silver Sharpie.
- X-Shelving: 17"x 4-6'
- X-Swap wire wheels for paint cleanup.
- X-Number stencils and black spray paint.
- X-5" posts for SPN1
- Replace soil moisture probes.
- Install Doppler Precip Gauge.
- Temperature Probe into LiDAR enclosure.
- Reinstall LiDAR
- Replace radiometers.
- Relocate SPN1 Sunshine pyronometer.
- Recable.
- Check depth pingers
- Calibrate Tipping Buckets
- Replace cable pulls w/ wire...
- CCClone Mac.
- Re-enter waypoints into GUI interface of camera.
- CCClone Drive.
- Pull out big lysimeter and drain box.
- Decommission MUX1
- X-Pull Macalu receiver.
- X-Remove old shadow-band.
- X-Pull out Johnson snow pillow
- X-Pull out mini snow pillow below Boom Pinger.
- Frank Gherke Snow Pillow? ...or two?
- Shelf for Aethalometer next to phone on W wall.
- Mount LiDAR power boxes left of incoming fiber on S Wall.
- Paint.
- Numbers on I-Beam
- Resolve Alex wiki passwd issue.
- X-Plumb Chimney Drain.
- X-One more bamboo hole west of platform.
Post 2010 Notes:
Heated Sonic Anemometer: $5500
- Aiming at winter 2011 installation, waiting for budget stuff before purchase.
Precip Guage (Bert has no faith so unless it's free, bail on this):
- Folks at Mt. Washington have something that werks, Kerry looking into wind shield and pricing.
- Jesse also had this to add:
re:on Precip gauges: And the one I was really in favor of trying a couple years ago... Pulling the Dynamax soil moisture probes is a really really good idea for re-cal / check out. Just wanted to remind all that the sleeves were not used due to the dryness of the soil normally, Mike McClung of Dynamax recommended not using them for this application when we installed them originally.
Soil Moisture Probes:
- Need overhaul and re-installation w/ tubes.
- Also these units for less than $150 each that both Jesse and Kerry recommend.
Snow Pillow: $10K
- Bert saw something that looked reasonable at AGU
- Jerry Johnson has his setup.
Overhaul tipping bucket mounts.
- Paint remote boom and re-do depth markings so we can see them from the camera.
- Reinstall soil moisture probes.